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Talking about gender & sexuality with rangatahi

The website includes questions and mahi toi created by rangatahi and whānau that are designed as prompts to raise conversations about gender, sexuality, sexual violence and healing.

Enquiry questions

We have developed some questions that are designed to prompt reflection into how we relate to people, how unhelpful ideas about gender and sexuality can impact us, and how we can create new ways of being and becoming sexual. 


Some of them might be useful for you to go through to ask yourself. Many of us who are caring for rangatahi did not get to explore these kinds of questions as rangatahi. We hope that asking these questions of yourself deepens your confidence in raising these questions with your rangatahi and being open to learning from them as well.

Rangatahi photos depict rangatahi interacting with the world on their terms. They are designed to illustrate rangatahi on a journey to understanding themselves. They highlight moemoea, hopes and wishes for the next generation, and can even function as pūrākau. They highlight some of the tensions that can come with accepting who we are, navigating our gender and sexuality, the challenges that can crop up, and how we heal, that are all part of growing and becoming. They engage with the roller coaster of emotion that can come with becoming sexual beings.

Videos & video scripts

Rangatahi and whānau videos and video scripts have been developed to explore how gender and sexuality can play out in the lives of young people. They are designed to give you examples of people who are thinking about the gender and sexuality, engaging with the issues that can be raised in these explorations, and raising some of the tensions that can arise when becoming sexual beings.

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