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Attraction & Desire



Whanake tō Taeratanga

Growing your Gender, Attraction & Sexuality


Puta ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama

Puta ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama is the second of three educational platforms on the Becoming Sexual Beings website. Here you will find information, stories and mahi toi that support you to explore Māori knowledge and experience about gender and relationships, and some of the social pressures and challenges that can come up in sexual experiences.  

Gender & sexuality in the world of light

Learn more about your questions

Click on a question below to start your journey of exploration through Puta ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama. 

Explore by content type

Our website shares findings from our research. This may be helpful for rangatahi, whānau, the people you support in your mahi. Whether you are a tohunga of all things mātauranga, a seasoned sexuality educator, or a learner - we hope you learn something new!

We have created pūrakau from some of the rangatahi interviews to illuminate challenges that can arise in a journey to becoming a sexual being, and how rangatahi move beyond that. We have included enquiry questions that can support you to reflect on how these pūrakau might relate to you and your world.

Our website harnesses the potential of mahi toi to provoke critical insight and reflection into sex and sexuality.  We hope the mahi toi of our rangatahi and whānau collaborators and storytellers that relate to each theme resonates and elicits ihi, wehi, and wana!

We have provided links to external support spaces, educational resources, research, and specialist services that can provide tailored support for rangatahi and whānau.

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