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Age guidance: No age restriction

​Age guidance: This content has sensitive themes. Recommended for 16 years and over

​Age guidance: This content has sensitive themes. Recommended for 16 years and over

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Te tatau rangatahi |

Rangatahi door

Nau mai haere mai!


This website hosts content that has been created with you in mind. Some of the ideas we cover are quite complicated and we have had to use some big words to describe them. We know we haven’t quite got this right yet but hope to keep improving. If there is something you don’t understand please contact us to let us know and we can try to explain it better! One day we hope to share the content on social media in way that is easier to understand. For now, we hope you enjoy exploring the content and find things that support you on your journey to becoming a sexual being.

Click on the whakaahua to explore Tōku tuakiri, Puta ki te wheiao ki te ao mārama, and Te ara toi ora.


Te manu kai miro, nōna te ngahere; te manu kai mātauranga nōna te ao – The bird that eats the miro berries, theirs is the forest; the bird that consumes knowledge, the world is theirs.


Learn about yourself and the world around you assist you with making decisions about relationships and sexuality!

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