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Research team | Whānau rangahau

Our study supported Māori & allied postgraduate students in psychology to learn about Kaupapa Māori research, qualitative methods, and sensitive research. Our students contributed to the data collection, analysis and dissemination of the project findings.

Dr. Jade Le Grice

Principal investigator

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Phillipa Te Paea Pehi

Research fellow

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Nicola Harrison

PhD student | (ongoing PhD, co-supervised with Vivienne Elizabeth) – Māori survivors of sexual violence & impacts on whānau relationships

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Logan Hamley

PhD student

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Ash Gillon

PhD student

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Morgan Tupaea

Masters student | 2020 – He Kaitiakitanga, He Māiatanga: Colonial Exclusion of Mātauranga Māori in the Care and Protection of Tamaiti Atawhai

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Fern Smith

Masters student | 2020 - 'They Shouldn’t Assume Our Lives are Easy’: Rangatahi wāhine negotiating social tensions, pressures, and harm on their journey to becoming sexual beings

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Ariana Hond

Honours student | 2022 - Butterflies & Goosebumps: Rangatahi Affect & Intimate Relationships

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Grace Jessup

Honours student | 2019 - Māori men, sexual violence prevention & healing

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Shauney Thomson

Honours student | 2017 - Cook Island understandings of gender and sexuality

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Wern Tje Lim

Honours student | 2018 - Decolonising spirituality & sexual violence prevention

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Aotea Frandi

Summer studentship | 2021 - Toi Ora & sexual violence prevention

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Special thanks

Colleagues in support

  • Professor Linda Nikora

  • Professor Nicola Gavey


  • Jude Hoani (year 1)

  • Joy Te Wiata & Russell Smith (year 2 onwards)

Specialist contributors

  • Cheryl Turner -Pakanae marae

  • Graham Mita & Stacey Noel – Maranga Ake

  • Lorene Royal & Irene Hancy – Dynamics of Whanaungatanga

  • Sharon Armstrong & Liz Marsden – Ngāpuhi Social Services

  • Evan Hastings & Bea Gladding –THETA, Sexwise

  • All participants who were interviewed for this project!

Advisory group

  • Tracy McIntosh

  • Cheryl Turner

  • Kiri Edge

  • Helen Moewaka Barnes

  • Joanna Kidman

  • Terryann Clark

  • Lorna Dyall

  • Shiloh Groot

  • Julie Wharewera MikaLeonie Pihama


  • Koriana Russell

  • Rhieve Sheriden

Rangatahi advisors

  • Maia Pehi-Hannah

  • Wairere Sarich

  • Brooke Lisipeki

Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini

My success is not mine alone, it is the success of the collective

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