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Attraction & Desire



Whanake tō Taeratanga

Growing your Gender, Attraction & Sexuality


Te ara toi ora

is third and last educational platform on the Becoming Sexual Beings website. Here you will find information, stories and mahi toi that support you to explore Māori knowledge and experience about sexual violence and healing, and some examples of people who have found a healing pathway through mahi toi and Māori cultural revitalisation.

Healing journeys


Coming soon

Case study:

Maranga Ake - Expression & creativity as healing

Coming soon

Case study:

Karen Browne -

Art curation

Coming soon

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Our website shares findings from our research. This may be helpful for rangatahi, whānau, the people you support in your mahi. Whether you are a tohunga of all things mātauranga, a seasoned sexuality educator, or a learner - we hope you learn something new!

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